Mission of Universities in Era of Rapid Technological Development
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Published: 16 March 2020 | Article Type :Abstract
In era of rapid technological development, universities must provide continuous learning, improve the learning ecosystem to train competent personnel with financial, legal, digital, entrepreneurial and professional literacy and systemic, interdisciplinary, innovative and strategic thinking. Transformational mobility of universities serves as a tool to increase the efficiency of university management, increase the quality of education and ensure its maximum individualization for the needs of a specific study and employer. The principle of learning mobility is implemented by filling and changing the educational process in accordance with the requests of the students themselves. The principle of learning mobility makes it possible to respond flexibly to changes in the needs of individual companies and subjects of the federation. This principle is manifested through the constant transformation of the functional and organizational structure, allowing universities to adapt to the training of personnel on rapidly changing technologies of the innovative industry and industry. The principle of mobility itself manifests itself in the variety of means, methods, organizational forms of the system of all levels of education, their flexibility and readiness for rapid transformation in accordance with the changing needs of the individual, the labor market, and society. It allows the use of various productive methodological systems and technologies, and consists in the creation of information networks, knowledge bases and data banks for distance education, as a result of which the student can adjust or supplement his educational program in the desired direction. To effectively ensure the principle of mobility, various information and communication technologies are used, which provide flexible and fast interaction between all participants in the educational process. Rapid technological development will lead to the replacement of the labor exchange with an exchange of competencies and the creation of an exchange of targeted education. The competence exchange will be formed by representatives of the technological sector of various enterprises of industry and services. The exchange of targeted education will be formed by universities together with the technological sector of industry and services. In the era of rapid technological development, universities should provide an individual trajectory of targeted competencies in terms of time, knowledge and skills of a researcher and performer based on the technology sector.
Keywords: trans-disciplinary research, individual learning, university transformation, knowledge management mobility.

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How to Cite
Evgeniy Bryndin. (2020-03-16). "Mission of Universities in Era of Rapid Technological Development." *Volume 4*, 1, 36-40